Saturday, October 17, 2009

in other words, creature

i knew i was being picky, and quite possibly just exaggerating, but i couldn't start the new blog without the right title. for a while it was "illuminating company," or "illuminating co," a reference to edison's early electric company in detroit and a play on "company"...illuminating company = shedding some light on relationships and the social. maybe i'll do that blog someday. but it didn't feel right now. here's what does. i was looking for lots of creative-ish words in the thesaurus when i ran across "creature". and low and behold, right after "quadruped," what a lovely trio of words. the perfect title for a blog. (see last sentence below). more on that tomorrow. but for now, hurrah, i've started, and that is that!

Main Entry:creature
Part of Speech:noun
Definition:being, beast


animal, body, brute, creation, critter, fellow,individual, living being, living thing, lower animal, man, mortal, party, person, personage, quadruped, soul, varmint, woman


abstract, inanimate


  1. hi mama -

    a great start here! can't wait to keep reading. have you considered adding a feedblitz subscirber box to your page? it's free and you just add a gadget of HTML code that they give you onto your page using the new blogger layout and it's there. britt has one and so do it. it sends your posts right into people's inboxes.

    love you

  2. thx kt! honored to have you as my first commenter.
    i'll do the feedblitz thing! (didn't realize it was free).

