Saturday, October 17, 2009

in other words, creature

i knew i was being picky, and quite possibly just exaggerating, but i couldn't start the new blog without the right title. for a while it was "illuminating company," or "illuminating co," a reference to edison's early electric company in detroit and a play on "company"...illuminating company = shedding some light on relationships and the social. maybe i'll do that blog someday. but it didn't feel right now. here's what does. i was looking for lots of creative-ish words in the thesaurus when i ran across "creature". and low and behold, right after "quadruped," what a lovely trio of words. the perfect title for a blog. (see last sentence below). more on that tomorrow. but for now, hurrah, i've started, and that is that!

Main Entry:creature
Part of Speech:noun
Definition:being, beast


animal, body, brute, creation, critter, fellow,individual, living being, living thing, lower animal, man, mortal, party, person, personage, quadruped, soul, varmint, woman


abstract, inanimate